HI. This is my blog. I will be writing about sports, school, and anything else I can think of,family rules but i'm in cali now
Thursday, November 5, 2009
hello.for halloween i was Harry Potter,i dyed my hair black for the occasion. i lost my 7th tooth 3 days before halloween.i got 3 gold dollar coins for it.what was the most you ever got for a tooth? mine was 4.50.
i like you you're awesome your cool your sweet as candy i think you are all these things because your you a great human, a good person,you are the only person that controls you and you do because only your capable of doing what your doing which is why you are all of these things
- Pj Diaz
Wow! I'm sure I never got more than a dollar. Probably usually only 50 cents. But those were the olden days!! :)
I think the most I ever got was a dollar. Wow, I would have loved getting 3 gold coins!!!
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