Tuesday, July 28, 2009


today i lost my 6th tooth! it was very very painful because it wasn't even close to out but at least i had a napkin! tell me a time that you remember losing a tooth.


Man Child said...

My most memorable tooth loss event took place in Luxembourg. Justin was chasing me around the house and I had a tooth that was just barely hanging on.

I tried to duck into a ground-floor cupboard and slam the door, but as I backed into the cupboard I hit the back of my head. Hard. The tooth went airborn and we never found it. Maybe I swallowed it. :)

If you ever chip a tooth I have an odd story about doing that as well. :)

Meg said...

I once had a loose tooth and my grandpa said, here, let me look. He put his fingers in my mouth and then pulled them out and there was my tooth in his hand. I didn't even know he had done it! Sweet!

Nicea said...

My story is more of a chipped tooth story than a lost tooth story. I was in the second grade when my family visited Lagoon (near Salt Lake City, Utah). There was a huge room with a maze of huge mirrors and glass windows in it called the Crazy House. You entered through one door and tried to make your way all the way out or the maze through another door without bumping into the windows and mirrors. I was laughing with my cousins and sisters and probably walking too fast when I bumped right into a window and chipped about 2/3 of my front tooth right off. It was a new permanent tooth that had just grown in and I didn't understand why my dad didn't think it was funny. I didn't get it fixed until I was in college!

Mona said...

Hey Pj
I haven't checked your blog in ages..you've got all kinds of neat posts! A granny's bonanza!! I have to get outta here right now to go train...duh...it's all I do these days. I'll get back to y'a later. A tooth story? Hummm...that was a way long time ago. All I can remember is a couple of 'em really hurting because who can actually wait until the darn thing is ready to fall out, right? I mean, dangling tooth can drive you crazy! So, the only solution is just..man...bite the bullet (no pun intended) and YANK, twist and whatever it takes!

PJ said...

our grandpa had a big set of pliers that he called his "tooth pullers." SCARE-EE! i don't remember him actually using them on anyone, but he always threatened to.

Nicea said...

Hi, PJ - I know I already commented on this post, but I just thought you might like to know that we FINALLY MAILED THE MYSTERY BOX!!! It went out this past Thursday by UPS ground service and should be to you sometime late next week. I'm glad you didn't hold your breath for the last 9 months!! I'm pretty sure nobody's held their breath that long and lived to tell about it. :)