Thursday, April 9, 2009

look at my profile

well do it


PJ said...

complete profile

Meg said...

I love Harry Potter too!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicea said...

My occupation is eating, too! What are your favorite things to eat? Mine are food, food and...let's see...oh, yeah, food.

Lola said...

gee, you're bossy =) you should tell everyone which HP you're reading and which one is your favorite. hmmm, maybe that's where you get your bossy.

annie said...

how many HPs have you read? my favorite book is number 4, but like the third movie best so far. :)

Man Child said...

I like the fourth movie best! So funny when Ron has to dance with McGonagall and when he totally ditches his date at the dance. I heart Ron.

PJ said...

age please

ps I am reading number six and my favorite movie is number 4